Thursday, March 12, 2009

On my awesomeness and worries

On my awesomeness
I had to take pictures today of some pants at work. The male mannequin is has a waist of about 32" (yes, he's tiny!) and the smallest pants were size 46" waist! Errrr... yeah. So I got creative and made him a makeshift fat suit! I took some cotton shopping bags and draped them over his neck (front and back) and then wrapped him up in a white sheet. I had to pin the pants on because he still wasn't big enough, but I did the best I could. Pictures to come!

On worries
Salem's neighbour, Tante Alice, a really nice 71 year old Armenian lady has not been feeling too well for a while. The other day, she cooked for us and told us she was still feeling short of breath and that this and that hurt. I'm getting worried... very worried. She won't go to the hospital for fear of not being let out (and I think for fear of knowing what she has and being forced to go through treatments) and she won't tell her daughters about her problems. What should I do? Actually, I know there's nothing I can do other than repeat to her that she should go to the hospital... How should I deal with this? I seriously have the gut feeling that she has lung cancer (she and her husband smoke a lot, shortness of breath, etc)... :-( I don't know. It makes me sad to think about this. Even though I don't know her very well, she almost feels like a grand-mother to me.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Have her daughters been to see her lately? Hopefully they would notice the symptoms and convince her to go the hospital. I guess you can't force her to do anything but maybe pop in on her more often and make her a meal or two? Such a tough situation, I don't envy you! But how lucky she is to have you caring about her!