Friday, December 12, 2008

All that snow and I still got my first package!

Well, I just got my first package for SP13! A million packages to "Arnold" for the amazing package! I thoroughly enjoyed opening every item and looking at what I received! Even Pumpkin helped out (and even she had a little gift!). I really must say that I was floored!

Here are some pictures of the madness than ensued!

What's this? A surprise?

Pumpkin can't wait - she wants to open the package now! She gave me just enough time to cover the contents with a post it note (used in lieu of a fig leaf) before she sliced the box open - Careful Pumpkin!

Yes, mommy likes to take pictures. In the good old words of Monty Python: Get on with it!!!!

Of course we both really enjoyed unwrapping the numerous gifts in my package.

Yes, there's even something for you Pumpkin!

The full Monty! PS "Arnold" has beautiful handwritting.
Seashells from Florida, Milk chocolate with roasted almonds and seasalt, toys for pumpkin, homemade salted caramels, chocolate-mint body bar, a giant bag of M&Ms and 2 skeins of white angora yarn! *swoon*

Pumpkin eyes her new toy...

Pumpkin in bed with her new toy.

A huge thank you again to "Arnold". This really is amazing!

And now... About the snow. OMG! 20 cm on Tuesday (we were in the car for 5 hours - driving Lama to the airport) and another... 10 or 15 cm today? Oh, and the city still hasn't salted any sidewalks (not even in the downtown core). My co-worker slipped 3 times yesterday! It's only going to get worse - it's going to rain on Monday and then snow within a day or two after that. Tisk tisk!


Anonymous said...

OMG Pumpkin is GORGEOUS!!! What a big fluffy cat!! I'm glad you liked your package!! :) Nice use of the fig leaf there. ;)

Yvette said...
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Yvette said...

I'm glad Pumpkin is getting the gifts and attention she so obviously deserves. What a beauty!

Ali P said...

Oh Pumpkin! You are such a glorious bit of kitty! Beautiful! No wonder your mummy loves you so much.