Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Dish bitch" is not in my job description!

Hello kids, it's me again, and I'm back to do a few things.

1. SP13 Question of the week (from last week - I'm fashionably late, of course): What are you most thankful for this year:
I'd have to say that I'm very thankful that my tonsils are gone, my number of translation contracts are up, Salem and I are talking marriage and babies on a regular basis, that I have everything I need available to me (job, money for rent/food/utilities/spending), that I've finally found my religion and that everyone around me in in (relatively) good health.

2. A big THANK YOU to my SP13 spoiler "Arnold" for my first gift! (yes, I'm very late, sorry! I've been so busy sending you novels). ;-) It's the Farmer Fox pattern by Jennie Lamond! He's amazingly cute and now he's MINE!!!!!

3. Re: Dish bitch. I was helping out with a conference one of my co-workers organized yesterday and guess what happened! The caterer came by and set everything up and then told us "we won't be able to come pick up the stuff until tomorrow or after tomorrow". SO basically, my co-worker and I were stuck carting everything (3 food trays, plates, cuttlery, serving trays, cups, etc) and cleaning up the mess at the end of the day. Did I mention this event had 25 people attending and lasted ALL day? Do you have any idea how dirty people are when they know they don't have to clean up after themselves? Not only did we have to store everything in our office, but we had to rinse everything as well to make sure nothing started rotting in here. I spent almost an hour and a half rinsing this crap! What the hell kind of crap ass caterer was this?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! Your second package is on its way, via the US Postal Service (first class mail). I hope it makes it through's a heavy sucker!!