Sunday, February 1, 2009

Distractions make me a bad, bad girl!

Well, I've been quite distracted lately by 2 things:

1 - Mom's 60th! I took her out to a Peruvian restaurant on the day of her birthday and gave her 75% of her gift. Why only 75%? Well, I got the other 25% but a part is missing so I have to return it... Of course, I've been slow in getting it to the post office. Surprise surprise!

2- I just started a new job last Monday! I love my new job! We are currently setting things up, I will be working out of 2 offices (in one of which I get to have my very own office/photo studio!) Wow!!!!!! The people are super nice, the benefits are amazing, etc etc etc!

Oh... And Salem's mother was down for 10 days or so! I got to spend a lot of time with her. She's very nice and I think we got along very well.

Overall, I am quite happy with things. I just finished up some slippers for my dad (I just need one last thing to be done).

Ok, bedtime! I need to wake up at 6 am! Ugh!

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